Friday, May 29, 2009

Post Infection in da ankle

Yesterday, I went to check out a new trail in Fruita called Peak A Boo. This trail is located in a secret spot off 18 Rd. I started in town and packed for 12 hours not knowing really what to expect or how long it would take. I packed 2 PB&Js, Fig Newmans, Peanut M&Ms and 180zs of water with nuun electrolytes. I got a later start and not knowing how long it would take I mounted up the light system to the Raleigh XXIX and off I go. 

The trail is sweet! It starts with a STEEP double-ish track climb! at the top it overlooks 18 Rd, which is an amazing site. Mostly in the trees Peak A Boo climbs up and descends several peaks, as the trail is new there are some sections that must be hiked due to soft sand and newly dug soil, it will get better the more it gets ridden. There were some Mountain lion prints in the mud from the last rain 5 days ago. I was probably being watched, I had the I pod cranked, was in the zone and didnt much care. After 15.5 miles the back door dropped me onto the Edge loop climb which is another STEEP double track climb, so steep that i've seen tanker trucks getting a pull from another truck! it hurts! The Edge was washed out due to the heavy rains Fruita had recently, none the less it was still fun. Just before the single track descent down to the wash, there were two motos in new condition leaning in the bushes covered in clay turned to cement. They must have got stuck in the rains and had to leave their bikes and start walking out. Damn! They were 15 miles from anywhere! The single track descent was fun and fast down to the wash which is generally sandy but was wet and packed which made for a fast escape around the rappel to lower Chutes & Ladders, over to 18 Rd and back to town. 

Before going home I stopped at the gas station and grabbed a 20lb bag of ice, threw it over my shoulder and road home with my lights on, I had them on my bike the whole 9 hours but only needed them for about 1 mile in town. Oh well, I like being prepared and its like training (as Courtney says) "Rocky Balboa style". I got home, filled up the tub with ice, cold water and took a 5 minute bath. BRRRR! Than put my legs straight up for 1o minutes. I believe taking these two steps make for rapid recovery.    

In fact my roommate Dogger had salmon and a fresh spinach salad ready for Robo, who is an OG snowboarder from Montana, Doug, who is the cat now living in the backyard and actually built Peak A Boo, and Myself. 

Awesome day! 


1 comment:

  1. Sweet Recap Fish. You'll have to show this one to me sometime. By the way, I would have had to take a break to see if the bikes would start. :-) Icing and putting your legs up is KEY. My Cross Country and Track coach use to make us do that after every hard work out. We would get in a horse trough up to our belly button for 15 mins. The ice was usually 9 – 14 inches think in water. Talk about shrinkage. Ouch! Well, I'll talk to ya soon. Awesome job on your ride.
