Thursday, January 8, 2009

Soft shoulders

 Well, today at the Vail Nordic Center was a bit challenging, the shoulders on the nordic track were super soft from all the new snow Vail received. If I would glide to much, it felt at times I was falling of the earth. I would also really have to concentrate and dig my baskets into the snow, others wise my poles would slip out from under me. 
 Although I have been feeling a bit stronger, and felt pretty strong today, not to say I am the best, but I did get smoked by two skate skiers and one classic skier today. A little humbling I must say! They were stronger than I, it was cool to see, and now I will work even harder to achieve there skill and speed. Well at least the two skate skiers, for I do not inspire to be a great classic skier. Although when done correctly it is amazing to watch.     
 Tomorrow is a early morning, I have to be at the place of my pick up for 4:15 yup! thats AM. Going to the Denver Airport. Getting up this early and staying going all day is good endurance training. 

1 comment:

  1. I like the new name,but you need more fuck pictures especially gay gay ones.
